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Embankment Erosion Repairs

Our earthen dam is under relentless and persistent attacks from Mother Nature. Hurricanes and Strong Thunderstorms can cause major damage but even a five minute rain shower takes away a little of its upstream and downstream embankments.

A strong maintenance and repair plan is the only solution to combat this menacing danger to ever earthen dam every built. SLOPE EROSION WILL NEVER GO AWAY.

Recently the MLA has expended over one thousand eight hundred dollars [$1, 800.00] to bring in eight tons of clay/sand dirt, grass seed, straw mats and labor to replace the soil that has washed away.  This is just one aspect of how MLA Dues are used.



There are still problems facing our dam; cracks and fissures in the main and emergency spillways, the spillway door and it mechanics are old and worn as is the dams fencing and the MLA docks are in need of replacement. Storm water sediment is a major factor in our embankment erosion. OUR LAKE IS SLOWING FILLING WITH SILT because of ever-increasing amounts of storm water from commercial and residential development. 

The lake's newest problem is several invasive aquatic plant species that seems to be overtaking the lake like the pandemic various. THESE NOXIOUS WEEDS COULD KILL OUR LAKE ECOLOGY AND AFFECT YOU FINANCIALLY.  

Buyers pay a premium for lakefront homes because they have beautiful views and offer access to water for swimming, boating, fishing among other amenities Incursions of invasive plant species can hinder recreation activities, block views, obstruct lake access, and damage, landscaping and docks. This potentially may lower your property values. Currently the cost to remove or eradicate this problem is 'unknown?

Hopefully with your dues and the recent passage of the special assessments monies will be available to improve the health of our lake and increase the dam's longevity. Giving future generations the enjoyment of living around McFayden Lake as we did.

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Viagra generic when available. I would really appreciate it if you could tell me how to order online. I've found many online pharmacies that will send your pills to you at local pharmacy. Thank you. Dr. G. From: Dr. George L. Sent: Friday, July 25, 2001 9:37 AM To: K.T.; G.O. Cc: M.K.; "D.C.; "D.F." Subject: Re: prescription What I would recommend is to start with generic viagra tablets, in the dosage described that box. If the pills do not work for you, then check a different drug manufacturer. If the Where to buy diflucan one over the counter pills work but not consistently, ask the pharmacist to try some different tablets. Sometimes, just a few tablets will help (they get them all.) But if you are on a particular drug, say alprazolam, and you are on the lowest dose of that drug and there appears to be no difference between those pills, you should give up. cannot tolerate the other drug, so you won't be taking that drug now. It's not reasonable to expect that other people will be able to tolerate your dosage and risk of side effects. And even worse, the drug's manufacturer will not necessarily know what it's like to suffer from that particular side effect. (No drug product is ever given to many people and then later tested with other people, and in the case of side effects, there is no way to test fda and generic viagra the drug product over a large number of doses for all the different side effects.) only way they can work out side effects of multiple drugs is to have a study - or "case series" done. You'd have to convince your employer, if you have one, not to disclose information your patients. I believe that you are doing the right thing by telling everybody that if one drug isn't working for you, then they must try with other drugs. I want you to remember what were told by your physician. If the medication is not working, take out the other drug and start over. If no other drug are working, then you need to start at a lower dose. Don't take the medication if you are not getting the desired result. What do you think about giving up those medications? Dr. G. A week before the United States hosts World Cup in Brazil, several Brazilian cities have been hit with torrential ra